
Disability Insurance FAQS

While there are several types of insurance plans that an individual should definitely obtain in their lifetime, disability insurance plans Beverly Hills is one of them. The first reaction people get when we suggest this plan for them is they give us a confused look. Many people think that this insurance is for the elderly, and that they are perfectly healthy/won’t need it. That is false- everyone should get this plan as early as possible, to refrain from having to pay tons of money for medical expenses if there was a change you will be disabled. At ARG and Associates, your insurance broker in Los Angeles, we highly recommend this very important coverage for all of our clients. Here are some common FAQS that may help you understand this more, and maybe have you considering this plan!

FAQS: Disability Insurance

The first question most of our clients ask us is: What is considered a disability for this insurance? This is a great question. If you physically are disabled and cannot work at all, this is considered a disability. There are different types of plans- short term disability and long term disability that your doctor will determine which one you need and for how long. If you are injured for several weeks or months and need a temporary leave, then short term disability coverage will help pay a fraction of your income while you are away from work. Long term coverage will help pay for expenses if you are away for longer than several weeks.

Another question people ask if how they receive expenses/benefits for their injuries. Depending on your plan, ARG and Associates will help you receive your benefits so that you can help pay off bills and things you need to buy to provide for you and your family.

Why is disability insurance important for me? This is crucially important because it will help provide for you and your family when you no longer can. Imagine your monthly salary from work being put on hold because you are injured. How would you be able to afford food, pay the bills, and purchase things you need to help your family survive. This insurance will be your backbone, and get you back on your feet when you take a leave of absence.


If I currently have problems with my health, will I qualify for disability insurance? Depending on your health conditions, you can most likely still receive disability insurance. It also depends on your age and current health records. If you are younger and much more healthier, than the rates for this insurance plan will be a lot less expensive. If you are much older with more medical issues, than there can be a chance it will be more expensive. This is why our team always encourages our clients to obtain this plan as early as possible.

There are tons of great benefits that come into play with disability insurance plans Beverly Hills. Our team highly recommends this plan for people as early as possible, because it will only benefit you in the long run. Do you or a loved one need this type of coverage? If so, call your insurance broker in Los Angeles, ARG and Associates today for a free consultation!